Purpose of the Agora

Purpose of the Agora

At the Agora members and partners of AEGEE gather to discuss about and vote upon topics that are currently important to the network.

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Authorities at the Agora

Authorities at the Agora

To ensure a smooth procedure for such big event, different authorities have different tasks to do. Here are the most important ones.

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Of course you will also find enough time to find new friends from all over Europe at the Agora. On all AEGEE events the factor fun and culture exchange doesn't come up short. We won't skip the classical European Night and some very good parties.

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Participate at the Agora

Participate at the Agora

Every member of AEGEE can visit an Agora. The application is done via the Online Membership System (OMS) of our organization. There are different options of how to participate in the Agora.

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