Ah yes... AEGEE... The first thing that comes to mind when you hear AEGEE is exciting events. But events don't grow on trees and have to be organised. That's what we do :D 

That sounds more exhausting than it is. Even if it looks like a lot of work at the beginning, organising an event is very easy and usually a lot of fun. And the more often you do it, the better and easier it gets. Just like German maths teachers tell their students "if I wake you up at 3am and ask you the formula, you have to know it", our members can do event planning in their sleep. True story... More or Less....If you ever want to organise an event you can count on our support.

If you want to know what our next events are, you can click on the tab "upcoming events", where you will also find past events. Our most popular event is the international dinner (also liked by us because... I mean food... come on). We also have various other events on offer. From hikes to craft evenings, we have it all. It is important to us that everyone can bring in their own ideas and wishes, so feel free to express yourself creatively with us.

But how do we organise our events? As I said, it's not rocket science... or if you're a rocket scientist: it's not music theory. The most important thing is to be guided by the five big questions:

1: What theme

2: Where should it take place?

3: When should it take place?

4: What do I need for it (purchases/ help)?

5: How do I promote the event?

1+2+3+4+5= Event (if your maths teacher wakes you up at night you know)