Organise Local Events

To create an intercultural exchange, to get to know people from all over the world and to simply have fun while studying, we organise events.

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Intercultural Exchange

Intercultural exchange is one of our main goals at AEGEE. Diversity and different cultures that come together help us to get to know the world and ourselves. Let's make the world more colourful

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As students are often on a tight budget, travel isn't viable. AEGEE offers a perfect opportunity to explore Europe on student-friendly expenses. And to be honest, an AEGEE trip is much better than a normal one. :D Just try it out!

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Personal initiative

Do you have your own ideas that you have always wanted to implement? A trip outdoors? Try out a sport? Organise a big party? At AEGEE you can make your dreams come true and we will support you in doing so.

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